Türkiye’de ki diğer Projelerimizde, Enerji ve Yenilebililir Enerji üreticileri, özellikte Rüzgar, Güneş ve Biyogaz Enerji Üreticileri ile birlikte, TEİAŞ ve bağlı bulundukları bakanlıklarla bu alanda birçok projelerimiz vardır.
Yaşar Üniversitesi ile birlikte, Türkiye’nin rüzgar enerjisi alanında lider kenti İzmir’de, Avusturya Kalkınma Ajansı (ADA) katkısı, Avusturyalı ve Türk proje ortakları ve sektör bileşenleriyle birlikte bir eğitim alt yapı projesi başlattık. Proje ile ülkemizde 10 yılda 10 kat artış gösteren ve binlerce kişiye istihdam yaratan rüzgar enerjisi santrallerinin, servis ve bakım hizmetlerinde çalışacak personelin kalifikasyonunun yükseltilmesi amacıyla bir eğitim merkezi hayata geçirilecek.
Bu sene Nisan ayında başlamış olan ve çok değerli eğitmenlere sahip RENEWAC Projesi 9 Eylül tarihinde gerçekleştirdiğimiz sunumlar ile sona ermiş bulunmakta.
Projenin amacı, rüzgar enerjisi sektöründe var olan ve ileride oluşacak kalifiye bakım&servis personeli açığını kapatmak doğrultusunda, katılımcalara 6 aylık bir eğitim sürecinde GWO BST ve ISO 17024 sertifikalarını kazandırmaktı. Bu gerçekleştirdiğimiz sunumlarda ISO 17024 sertifikasına hak kazanmak için hazırladığımız sunumları ve bakım checklistlerini jüri üyelermize sunduk. Sayın jüri üyelerimizin değerlendirmesi sonucu, Türkiye’de ISO 17204 sertifikasını almaya hak kazanan ilk ekibin arasında olmaktan gurur duyuyorum. Umarım ki bu gibi projeler yenilenebilir enerji sektöründeki eğitim ihtiyacının insanlara aşılanmasına ve yeni mezun öğrencilere kadar tüm personel adaylarına sektörel eğitim fırsatı yaratmaya devam eder.
Sayın jüri üyelerimize verdiği bütün emeklerden dolayı çok teşekkür ediyorum.
Erman Kaya, Emrah Bıyık, DI. Fatih Cihan Önder, Berkant Özel
My Dear Connections,
The RENEWAC Project, which started in April this year and has very valuable trainers, ended with the presentations we made on September 9.
The aim of the project was to provide participants with GWO BST and ISO 17024 certificates in a 6-month training period, in order to fill the existing and future qualified maintenance & service personnel gap in the wind energy sector. In these presentations, we presented the presentations and maintenance checklists we prepared to qualify for the ISO 17024 certificate to our jury members. As a result of the evaluation of our esteemed jury members, I am proud to be among the first team in Turkey to receive the ISO 17204 certificate. I hope that such projects will continue to instill in people the need for training in the renewable energy sector and to create sectoral training opportunities for all personnel candidates, from current employees to newly graduated students.
I would like to thank our esteemed jury members for all their efforts.
Kadirhan Vatanseven ( Renewac Egitimi Mezunu )
Türkiye’de uzun yıllar, daha önce üst düzey yöneticilik yaptığımız Firmalarda ve Projelerinde, Enerji üreticileri ile birlikte, Türkiye'deki birçok petrol ve gaz şirketleri (İpragaz, Aygaz, PO, Total, BP, Milangaz ve birçok gaz Firmaları), bunun yanı sıra TSE (Türk Standartları Enstitüsü) ve bağlı bulundukları bakanlıklarla öncelikle LPG sektörü Riskler ve iş güvenliği olmak üzere, yeni Tahribatsız periyodik Test Metotlarının uygulanması ve Türkiye ye adaptasyonu çalışmalarında ve bu alanda ki yapılanması, zorunlu Testlerin hayata geçirilmesinde önemli katkılarımız ve birçok projelerimiz vardır.
Our Partner Company founded in 2015 to give engineers and consultancy services to Turkish energy sectors. The company services area focuses on primary renewable energy sources, mainly solar power plants and wind power plants. Now, our company implements various kinds of projects in these fields such as solar pumps, development of solar power plant projects etc.
We are working in various sectors and having been actively working in hydroelectric power plants O&M services.
Our company targets mainly inspection serviceforto renewable energsector, which has been improving considering recent regulations and subsidies. Although many companies focus on only development of solar and wind power plant projects, the services in these areas are close to fill in the sector. For instance, to implement these renewable projects, it is essential to find open calls in substations and has to get the necessary permissions from TEIAS, TEDAS and related private distribution company. we believe that after a certain time (probably takes at least 5 years), it is hard to give this kind of services at the energy sector because the market will be filled in. Hence, foreseeing the market development and business volume in the sector, we decided to enter new services. At this point, we will be glad to work with TÜV SÜD to lead services explained in this report.
Turkish Energy Market and Potential
Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Strategy Plan for 2023 Vision has been implemented since 2010. There are strict targets who need to be achieved until 2023 to balance demand & supply of electricity. These are:
Increasing total installed capacity of power generation to 120.000 MW
Increasing the share of renewable energy in electricity generation up to 30%.
Management of water and increasing its usage (hydroelectric power plants)
Increasing total installed capacity of wind energy power plant installed capacity to 20.000 MW
Increasing total installed capacity of geothermal energy power plant to 600 MW and
Reaching transmission line length as total 60.717 km
Usage of smart grids in national grid
Increasing the storing capacity of natural gas up to 5 billion m3
Constructing and structuring energy stock exchange market and connect with international markets (mainly EPIAS)
Set into operation of planned nuclear energy power plants (Akkuyu & Sinop and 3rd & 4th Nuclear Power Plants)
Building new coal power plant with total installed capacity at 18.500 MW (planned total capacity)
Increasing the energy efficiency in industrial and domestic sectors.
Considering these 4th and 5th target given in above, the solar and wind market only opened for engineering services and implemented services. If we looked at the recent situation of installed capacity of renewable energy has been increasing. The wind power plant installed capacity reached to 3700 MW in 2014 and the same goes for solar power plant which installed capacity reached to 40 MW (mostly unlicensed power plants). There is still many licensed and unlicensed application has under evaluation of EPDK and TEDAS /TEIAS and still many projects are under implementation stage.
Services for Renewable Energy Sector
For Solar Power Plants:
Due Diligence services, preparing pre- feasibility and feasibility reports,
Certification and Inspection Services according to IEC 62446:
Inspection and certification of the supporting PV system structures, according to the Euroced 1, 3, 8 &9.
Inspection and certification of the design study validating the energy performance of the system.
Evaluation of technical documentation and review of the design build study based on the standard EN 62446:2009.
Sampling checks of materials during the delivery and project installation process in addition to complete review of relevant documentation as to verify their compliance to technical specifications( i.e. Panel geometry , sorting etc.)
On-site audit and certification of the installation by qualified technical inspectors utilizing laboratory calibrated instrumentation.
Verification of electrical installation procedures according to the approved study or/and based on the EN 62446:2009 and IEC 60364 standards including; grounding resistance measurements, open circuit voltage, short circuit current, polarity tests, string connections, insulation resistance, electrical panels’ connections, cables and switch disconnector sizing, continuity of protective earth conductors, lightning protection system, SPDs, inventors’ proper operation, labelling and identification of all appropriate materials.
On-site presence during the acceptance tests, during final acceptance of the project and during on-site checks by the Power Supplier.
Issuance of final conformity certificate of the installation according to provisions of the approved study and/or the relative specifications according to standard EN 62446:2009
Additional inspection of photovoltaics installations based on thermographic analysis and measurements of the I-V curve string characteristics adhering to the standard.
Project Acceptance Tests, Commissioning Test and Supervision Services During Commissioning
Remaining standard framework and procedure, implementing thermographic analyses, I-V Measurements and other optional measurement and inspection services for PV systems.
PV panel tests:
IEC 61215 ( Crystalline silicium terrestrial photovoltaic ( PV ) modules- design qualification and type approval)
IEC 61446 (Thin- film terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – design qualification and type approval)
IEC 61730 (Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification)
Other Tests:
Performance tests, I-V Measurements, Screening with thermal camera etc.
Laboratory services (electroluminescence tests, thermographic tests, ammonium corrosion test, salt & mist tests)
For Wind Power Plants:
Due Diligence services, preparing pre- feasibility and feasibility reports,
Technical consultancy services (detailed engineering services, modelling of energy production, macro siting services etc.)
Installation of wind measurement towers according to national & international standards or procedures
Inspection during construction and technical consultancy services
Certification process
Certification of wind turbines and towers according to IEC 61400
Participation to Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT)
Supervision services at the field
Performance measurements and energy modeling of wind power plants under operation mode (Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling & Analysis, Calculation of Loses by modeling the system)
MRV Services for Solar and Wind Power Plants ( verification & validation of GHG Emissions)
DOE Services for voluntary carbon scheme.
Establishing consortium or partnership in CFCU and EU horizon 2020 projects
Technical consultancy services in hazardous wastes and storage
Participating tenders on technical assistance of water or wastewater power plants (construction or inspections)
Smart Grid Applications
Primary, Secondary and Reactive Power Test, commissioning test defined by TEIAS
Verification services for acoustic emission, noise etc.which have to be implemented during commissioning period of thermal power plants